Thursday, April 14, 2016

April 8 weekly article

This week professor Zurcher asked everyone to review projectgramgram for the article review. I am a part of project gram gram so I decide to review what we are doing and what I think we can do a little better.
Several people have mentioned to us already that it’s annoyingly unclear if this is a real service or not. I think that our group needs to meet up and decide how we want to handle that- if we want to try to actually make it real, or just do a kicker starter, or find some other way to make it clear that is just an idea to get people to talk to their grandmas.
So far we have had a pretty good reception of the video, and we’ve already surpassed our goal views of 5k. We put some money to boost it but most of the stats say that the video is spending organically. We all plan to keep sharing it in our personal networks and to reach out to as many people as possible. Personally I plan to share the video tomorrow or Monday just that we spread out the sharing so its not happening all at once, and so that the people who have been seeking it and not watching it will be curious by the continued postings. I also plan to reach out to my friends in other states (Texas and California specifically) to hopefully increase out spread.
Our team was talking today about the viewing stats, and lots of people stop watching at the minute mark, so Dave and Brad are going to try to create a minute version so that we can catch people before they stop. The team needs to develop a new strategy for sharing this video since it will be the same thing, and we can’t use the exact same spreading resources to share it.
All in all I think we are all very happy with how well it is spreading so far, and hopefully we have inspired people to reach out to their grandparents.

April 1 weekly article

I did the voting groups survey, but I didn't copy and paste because when I submitted it I couldn't get back into my questions. They had questions about what kind of videos I would share, if I would share videos about politics, what I don't vote. Things like that. Does that prove I did it?? Haha I pinky promise that I did! :)

March 25 Application Log

This week we learned about content marketing. This has been valuable this past week as I have been thinking about the process of spreading out first few GramGram videos. As a team we are currently trying to spread out content organically. We are doing this by inviting family/friends to like our page, and sharing the videos on our personal facebooks. We found out that if we try to invite a ton of likes from the page and not from our own users, then we run the risk of being flagged as spam. We're also hoping that by the time that we are ready to share our final video out, that our name would have been spread around enough that people will have name recognition and be more willing to share it to their friends. After we have compelted the step of organically spreading it, we plan to spend a little money to boost it on Facebook.

March 25 Weekly Article


  2. Provide a summary of the article.
  3. This team has a wonderful variety on their website. They have a personal story video, an infographic, a professional articles, and even foods to help fight off stress. I think this variety makes their website very valuable and interesting. I think their website might be more engaging if they had a more targeted market. As of right now, I don't get too much out of thew various articles. Are they trying to reach people with anxiety to create a community? Are they trying to tell people how they can help their loved ones who struggle with anxiety? I think if they nailed down those purposeful choices then all of their content would automatically become even better and more powerful.

March 18 Application log

This week I was talking about a new concept with David Pierce who is developing our website. We talked about a new theory known as material deign. Google developed various guidelines for web development and general icon design. They also have options for color pallets, 3D effects, shadows, etc. It is a necessary resource for all web and graphic designers. We plan to use this style in our website as I design elements for it.

March 11 Weekly Article

  1. Vote with your voice

  3. Feedback in bullet points:

    General website:
    -I love the clean, professional look of the site. If you want this to go beyond class and gain real traction, you should seriously consider changing the URL to not include the wix portion.
    -It could be safe to assume that I (a random viewer) saw your video, and then googled your website, ready to learn more/do something to help this movement. On the homepage, maybe have some more actionable things rather than your current 3 options. Maybe like a "learn how to register or how to to vote or how can I help etc).

    Love how connected the articles are to current issues- racism and women's rights. Maybe think about making the headlines little more catching, tell me why I should read it. Pose a question/have the point of the article clear in the headline. "Did they fight for nothing?" "The fight for women's rights is missing one important thing today." Don't get too click baity obviously, but I need some sort of bait to be motivated to click.

    If you want feedback on design I could give you a few tips that might really help. :) You want your content to be really lovely and shareable. Also, with something this fed with emotions (they fought for your right to vote) could make some really impressive picture quotes.

March 4 Application Log

My work and group contribution:
I am happy with the work that I have done thus far to help our group move forward. I'm beginning to wrap up the logo for our "organization," and i feel that my skills have been beneficial for this part of the project. I also have been able to contribute in the organization of the video by finding and contacting various actors/ props that we needed. My slightly bossy personality can create issues in some groups, but there is a natural hierarchy and creative respect that exists in our group due to many of us being friends before hand. I was able to put my "bossy"ness to use when me, Frank, and David met together to talk about the website. I was able to propel us into efficient conversation that helped us be much more productive.

Class contribution:
I am always wary of sounding annoyingly know-it-all in class settings where I want to share some of my technical skills with design, but I have also made an effort to reach out with what I know to provide useful information. I make a point to contribute when I can in class.

Actions to incorporate feedback to help group be successful:
As mentioned above, our group gets a long really well and runs very smoothly. As a group we didn't have much, if any, advice to give to each other. To help our group be more successful I took more ownership over an important production aspect of our video when another person could have. I plan to continue stepping up when needed to take ownership of the many tasks needed for the project. I also want to strive to ask more thought-out questions that help the group create a better product.

March 4 Weekly Article

  1. Myportfolio, and it's published by the Adobe Cloud.
  2. I don't know how to put this link in MLA format because it isn't an article, it's more of a really great service. None of the information used in an MLA citation exists for this type of site.
  3. This is a really awesome new service that Adobe has put it out that is include with the Creative Cloud if someone has purchased it. This is probably more useful for people personally rather than for a platform for people's organizations, but it could be used for either. They have created their own CMS (content management system) like Wix or Wordpress. It offers layouts etc for a website, specifically a portfolio, that you can edit and change and add your content onto. It is great for a simple way to display your work and resume to interested companies.
  4. This is useful to my role because I can use to accumulate all the work I'm doing with GramGram and display it on this website with my other work that I have done throughout my time at school. I'm hoping to explore this site a little more and perhaps use it for my own portfolio when I am apply for internships for this summer or next summer. This will be a very useful product for at least exploring web design a little more in depth.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Feb 12 Weekly Article



This isn't so much of an article as it is a SUPER awesome resource. I suggest to everyone involved with social media for a company. It is basically a super easy version of all the adobe products. It lets you create really cool memes and place text over images in a really beautiful but clean way. I suggest it to my co-worker at BYU Independent Study when she got hired on to do social media, and it is literally all she uses for her posts. It comes loaded with a lot of icons and text styles. You can also use it for creating infographics because it has those features. It's a beautiful, free, and quality product. I definitely would highly recommend telling the class about it just because it is such a great resource for so many things.

Use to role
As mentioned above, I've been using canva for years and suggesting it to people to use for social media posts, so this is useful for quick and beautiful content.

Feb 12 Application log

My job and my life is about design. I work as and aspire to be a graphic design, so I am constantly curating a collection of professional and inspiring design that follows the principles we discussed this week. I am also striving to create content that follows these principles in order to create engaging and professional work.

Jan 29 Weekly Article

Advice and Tips for Nonprofits on Social Media


This article gives both practical advice of how to communicate as a non profit, including first steps to take and things to learn as you begin.

Useful to the role
All of us are creating "non profits" in a way- we need people to care about a cause for no real pay-off. It is a difficult thing to accomplish that takes a very talented team to communicate. This can help us do that.

Jan 29 Application Log

This week I have been working with a director to edit and complete a commercial that I helped come up with and write. The skills I have been learning about communicating with him and his tips for working with actors have been create to prepare me for creating videos for this class. I've learned how to audition and communicate with actors. I've learned that you should usually avoid white because the eye is drawn to it first in video. These and other skills I plan to apply while working on the videos to promote our Grandma communication videos.

Jan 22 Application Log

Our group's campaign is focused on helping grandmas and grandchildren reconnect across the technological divide. As such, I went home on Thursday evening and spent some time just chatting with my grandma to get in the mood of kindling those relationships.

Jan 15 Application Log

This week in class we all took the color personality test. I took this test many years ago when I was younger, so taking it again as an adult was extremely interesting and beneficial to me. After I found my own color, white, my next thought was to guess my husband’s color. I guessed correctly, and we had a very insight discussion about our strengths and weakness as in terms of our colors. Throughout the week I found myself thinking back on what I learned about myself and about him when I was deciding how to react to situations. Understanding more about each of our personalities helped me to understand my own feelings as well as his.

Jan 22 Weekly Article

Angie Taylor, published by


This is an awesome introduction into how to use Adobe illustrator.

How will it be useful?:This is useful for creating infographics or illustrations for our campaign. Also, if anyone else wants a Lynda account, it's easy if you have an account. go to sign up, put in the corporation line. You'll be redirected to, just put in your info and you're good!

Jan 15 Weekly Article

Aran Seaman, Eartheasy

Seaman, Aran. "Eartheasy." Eartheasy Blog Where to Donate 10 HighImpact Environmental Charities with Integrity Comments. Eartheasy, 4 Dec. 2014. Web. 15 Jan. 2016.


This article outlines 10 charities that are making moves to protect and preserve the environment. In the article, each charity's goal is outlined. It also mentions what type of person would appreciate the efforts of the charity. For example, it states "Those who oppose widespread adoption of nanotechnology, genetically engineered foods, and human gene patenting will appreciate FOE’s clear stance and advocacy."

How will it be useful?:This article is useful for our upcoming project to decide which charity we want to great a campaign for this semester. This is a topic that I am fairly passionate about, and I like that this article offers several approaches to taking care of our world that we have been blessed with.